Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tempramental Photographer

First of all i have to thank Swati here for asking me to take up the blog again. It has been a while since i posted anything here at all and i've been busy with a lot of other things this summer. Thankfully I'm back in New England area with my family after a stint of working 5 months in Maryland.

Other hobbies have taken up my time away from photography. I had a good summer of riding motorcycles, playing tennis and finishing up our basement to make that media room i always wanted. Amidst all this photography has take a back seat and especially landscapes. I don't know when i would get to load up the gear early morning and shoot the glorious dawn again. Hopefully sometime this year, but not counting on it.

I know a lot of creative people go through the same cycles i do, getting on and off the things they love to do. It's probably for the better since you get to recharge your batteries and 'hit the ground running' again when you decide to go back to it.
